Sandboarding Parangtritis

Sandboarding is a new sports trend dijogjakarta that become tourist , with Gumukpasir located at Parangtritis beach sunset beautiful scenery and fine sand that no two of his in Indonesia . 

GumukPasir is a natural phenomenon formed by the movement of the wind . The wind carries sand from Mount Merapi volcanic material . This sand flies out to sea and then fused with water and become soft sand .
The gumukpasir this is now use as a location sand boarding . As the name implies , sand boarding , a unique game triggers adrenaline performed using surfboards on top of the sand . 

Gumukpasir in Bantul considered the only phenomenon sandbanks in Southeast Asia . Gumukpasir in Jogja is located not far from Depok Beach , a location famous fish auction in the South Coast region of Yogyakarta.
To play Sandboarding, of course we have to prepare some equipment like a skateboard, helmet, elbow and leg protectors, and wax.

Before starting this challenging game adrenaline, sand board boards should be oiled beforehand with wax, so slippery and easy to slide.

After that, set point sliding by selecting altitude in sandbanks. The machete GumukPasir itself, there are many point slip with a height varying between 5-15 meters.

When you are ready, just slide and conquer millions of grains of sand that are in gumukpasir . For all the beginner in this game, do not be embarrassed to use the tools in the form of a stick which serves to help balance the body movement . Interested to try ? please  visit gumukpasir parangtritis .

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